Shooting Wall Podcast

Revolutionarily Crude Podcasting

Archive for the month “October, 2011”

Shooting Wall Podcast #2

This week we have a interview with Doug Sakmann about his now closed 941 micro-cinema, audio from our Show & Tell of Luc Moullet’s Les Sieges de l’Alcazar, and an interview with local filmmaker Dante Aleman.

Shooting Wall Podcast #1

We have audio from our last Show 8 Tell event on Nagisa Oshima’s Boy. Reviews of Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris, Michael Winterbottom’s The Trip, and Errol Morris’ Tabloid. A discussion about the best comedy so far in 2011, info on SW’s various tactics in their war against poor cinema, and polemical discourse from the host Karl Starkweather.

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